Denatured Chapter 6, Page 18
/Fox problems.
Fox problems.
A moment of silence for all of the poor tailess hoo-mans out there.
I’m trying to work on Yalzeemas design, but I’m not sure it’s where I want it to be yet. I don’t want her to look like a ghost, but more like a spirit who is filled with heavenly power and authority. She’s supposed to be a member of the heavenly host. I don’t know if I’ve captured that here, but I’ll keep tweaking her design as we move forward. Like I do with everything else.
Heeee’s watching youuuuuuu.
“It’s gonna get a little weird…Two dragons.”
…And pages.
Home of the webcomics Denatured, Comic-Comic and Walk With Me. Saber Collie Studios is an online cartoon art studio individually owned and operated by cartoonist and animator Light Lux Collie.
Light Lux Collie
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