Was Recently Approved For Adsense

Was Recently Approved For Adsense

A small heads up. I recently was approved for Google Adsense. So you might start seeing some ads pop up on the site. I’m trying my best to make sure they are not too intrusive. That’s not something I want to annoy people with. Yeah, I would love to make some money, (Not that I have that much traffic to begin with) but I also don’t want it to ruin the site. So let me know if anything pops up in spots that are a little too intrusive and I’ll evaluate it to see if I want to change it or not. I’m trying to keep it at mostly, one at the top, one at the bottom and some in between individual blog post.

Been a while since I wrote a blog post. Last time I wrote one, I was trying to see if I could start doing some more writing on various topics of interest. Obviously that did not happen the way I had hoped. Life really got in the way and kicked my ass this past year. It was not a happy time for me. Things are somewhat settling down now. (Knock on wood) It’s definitely gotten better since the start of 2025. So I was thinking of maybe revisiting that idea and writing more as I have time.

Anyways, just thought I’d write something since it’s been so long. Hope you are all doing well.

Stay fluffy,


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Doing Some Writing

Doing Some Writing

For a while now I’ve had this urge to write, which I have not been able to shake. So I suppose I should probably take that as a sign that it’s time I did something about it. Contrary to my internet persona, (who is also the main character of Comic-Comic.) I like to think that the real me isn’t that stupid. Though I do feel that sometimes real me would give comic Light a run for his money.

So what’s this about? Why start writing now?

No particular reason why. It’s just that I often find myself with an overabundance of thoughts, ideas and opinions relating to the world at large. Unfortunately for me however, we currently live in an age where just sharing your thoughts online can get you into a whole heap of trouble. Now I’ll try my best not to do that, but that is why I don’t see myself posting these blog essays anywhere else but on my own website. Though if I do feel like one is appropriate subject matter, I’ll post a link to it somewhere else. …Keep Reading?

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Making My Way Back (Update)

Making My Way Back (Update)

Let me just start by saying. I’m feeling much better and thank you so much to those of you who wished me well during this time. I’m sorry for the radio silence, It was just necessary that I take whatever time I needed to realign myself.

Some clarifications

I just wanted to clarify some things. I apologize if I made it sound like it was because a couple people criticized my art, that I fell apart like that. That’s NOT what happened. Please understand, I have had many other things going on in my life that I don’t share with people online. I don’t think I have to remind anyone that life sucks. This past month in particular, I found myself suffering in more ways than one. Pushing me into an extremely vulnerable state. So when people decided to throw some negative critiques at me, it hurt more than usual. The best way I can explain it, is to metaphorically picture me half dead while bleeding out on the ground do to completely separate circumstances. Only to be followed by someone coming along and kicking me in the stomach while saying “Oh BTW, your art sucks.” It was more like the finishing blow/cherry on top to an already crappy situation. IT WAS NOT THE CAUSE. It just pushed me over the edge emotionally at the worst possible moment. I just feel like I need to clarify that, because it seemed most people felt I was being overly sensitive to a generic internet critique and I’m sorry if it came off that way.

Either way, I’ll try not to let it happen again.

My current state.

Fortunately, I’m feeling better. I really used this time to recuperate and rest and I think I’m about ready get back to it.
But here’s the thing. I will be making a bunch of changes moving forward.

What’s changing?

Since I posted that last update, I’ve been struggling to figure out what I wanted to do and after giving it considerable thought, here’s the plan. …Keep Reading?

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Where I've Been (Why no updates)

Where I've Been (Why no updates)

If it feels like I dropped off the planet these past couple of weeks, It’s because I have.

I’m not going to sugar coat it. I’m suffering.

I don’t even know how to word this. I reached a point of burnout, but that’s really not the issue. I’m just demotivated, unhappy and frustrated. So much so I don’t know when or if these comics will return. I’m suffering emotionally, financially, physically and relationally.

Then to top it off, I have some people randomly comment their criticisms of my comics, right as I’m just barely crawling my way back. I get that I suck at everything I do, but I did not need this right when I was about to pull myself back.

So will the comics be back? Honestly, right now I don’t know.

I’m just currently trapped in a cycle of depression, despair and hopelessness.

I have never been a fan of sharing personal emotions online, because it almost always backfires and is like a drop of blood in a shark tank. Me writing this will probably get me more hate than sympathy, but I still need to let people know what’s going on and why there’s no comic updates and why I’ve been radio silent.

For the past month, I’ve been contemplating stopping all of the comics and maybe just giving full animation a try, but now I’m not even sure I want to do that because of how much my art sucks.

Give me another week and maybe I’ll have an answer of what I’ll do next. I pushed and tried so hard to get people to like these comics and my art, but I failed miserably. They aren’t good.


Just thought I’d share that.

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Changed URL's For Comic-Comic and Denatured (Former Links Won't Work)

Changed URL's For Comic-Comic and Denatured (Former Links Won't Work)

I created tons of extra work for me when I impulsively decided to do something I should have done a long long time ago. I went ahead and edited the URL address for Comic-Comic and Denatured. Both of which were under incorrect URL names that didn’t reflect the names of the individual comics.

This is going to take me a while to get all the archive links changed over to the proper ones. So please be patient while I do that. Links probably wont work until it’s completed.

I also want to note that former links to the comics will no longer be accurate. I’m really sorry for any inconvenience, but this is something I should have done a while ago and it’s basically like ripping off a band aid. It’s a huge pain in the ass now, but once it’s done, it’s done. Please update any links or bookmarks you may have saved to the new accurate URL’s. …Keep Reading.

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Joined Tapas and Webtoons...BUT!

Joined Tapas and Webtoons...BUT!

This is my second time writing this, because my first draft was accidentally deleted. It’s been a while since I last posted a blog update, but I thought I should inform you of a few things.

After many years of fighting it, I finally decided to bite the bullet and made an account for both Webtoons and Tapas. While personally I've never been the biggest fan of centralizing webcomics onto these platforms that dictate and control everything you do, I figured it was time to push my content out into the more visible public square. So if you do use either site, give me a follow. I've uploaded all three of my comics. (…Almost.) Keep reading.

However. I will always prefer and encourage you to stay connected via my website and newsletter.  Just because I use social media to reach out, doesn't mean that it will always be there. Websites and platforms come and go. So please stay connected to me via Saber Collie Studios, even if you follow me on social media or other platforms. …Keep Reading.

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Temporary Hiatus For The Month Of December

Temporary Hiatus For The Month Of December

Hello Internet Family! 

I sent this out in an email, but I just want to make sure everyone is aware of what’s going on.

You may find yourself wondering, where is this weeks comic update?!

I'm sending out this notice to let everyone know that for the month of December, I am putting all comics on a TEMPORARY Hiatus. With the exception of the usual Christmas comic.

Why am I doing this? 

Multiple reasons. Not to bore you, but starting sometime back in September, I fell way behind on things do to personal issues out of my control and after struggling for 3 months to catch up, I found it near impossible to do so. When I finally did catch up, I had entered a state of complete burnout. A sign that it was time to take a break. So that's what I'm doing. 

But here's the thing. That's NOT the only reason I'm doing this hiatus. …Keep Reading?

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Sites comic navigation buttons broken.

Sites comic navigation buttons broken.

UPDATE: They appear to be working now. No rhyme or reason as to why they broke in the first place. If you find they are not working again, please let me know.

The navigation forward and back buttons appear to now only randomly work for some pages and not for others. This is the first time I’m noticing this issue. Wasn’t aware of it until now. I honestly am not sure how I’m going to fix it, if at all.

So until further notice, just use the archive tab at the top of the page to navigate through the previous comics.

Been considering potentially dropping squarespace and moving the site to a new host. Not sure yet. They’ve so extremely and unfairly jacked up their prices that the added benefit of having a beautiful site is not worth it at this point. When they fist started it was around $7.99 a month. Now I’m literally paying $31 a month. There’s also so many things I cannot change on the site without the fear of breaking it. I originally used a code that someone else had written online to build a traditional webcomic format out of an existing squarespace template. But since it’s so old and squarespace constantly updates their site. They have pretty much made it useless. I am not a coder, so I have little to no ability to fix original code. So unless I can find someone who is capable of helping me, I might just find a new host.

If anyone knows of any coders who might be willing to help me. Please let me know. Or if you have a suggestion for a better option to host the site I would appreciate that also.

And before you ask, NO I am not joining webtoons or Tapas! I refuse. I mean a platform for my own domain.

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Regarding The Future Of Walk With Me And More! (Please Read!)

Regarding The Future Of Walk With Me And More! (Please Read!)

I’ve been trying to ensure that this post is as easy to follow and understand as possible. Hopefully it’s not too long. I realize that not everyone will see it and I’ll probably get some comments asking what’s happened to Walk With Me. So I am going to try to explain what’s going on here. In addition I have some other things to say. So please read the whole thing.

To get to the point. I’m going to be making some changes coming up. Changes that are looooong overdo. Please understand that running three comics, commissions, art, animations and more is very challenging and time consuming. Especially when I have constant real world distractions that pull me away from my work.

Just to be clear. I am NOT stopping any of my comics. I am however changing how I do one of them. Denatured and Comic-Comic will continue on their regular update schedule as usual. Denatured post every other Monday, alternating weeks with Comic-Comic which is every other Wednesday. This is just as they’ve always been. Now as far as Walk With Me goes, I have one final page to complete for Chapter three, which will post to my Patreon in a little over a week, then to the public a month later as always. Once I am completed with Chapter 3, Walk With Me will no longer be on a regular update schedule of every two weeks. From now on I will be working on WWM in my spare time and will continue posting the completed pages as they are finished to my Patreon and Subscribestar.

Once the next chapter is fully completed, I will then post all of it to the public in rapid succession. So again, just to be clear, you will still get to see it. It’s just that it will take some time before the next chapter is completed. If you want to see each page as they are completed, you can subscribe to my Patreon or Subsribestar and get early access as has always been the case with WWM.

Why am I doing this? …Keep Reading?

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Saber Blog Update (9/2/22)

Saber Blog Update (9/2/22)

Hello Internet Family!

It’s been quite a while since my last blog update. Believe me when I say I’ve definitely wanted to write, but I can rarely find the time or motivation. I’ve had some personal revelations recently and I think it’s helped me to develop a greater focus on my craft. I’m working on some animations again. Though, I do sometimes have to make compromises. It’s not like I can work on it every day. Maybe 2-3 times a week, depending on if I have other commissions to complete. Fortunately for the time being It seems to be working well for me. While there are no guarantees as to when I can have an animation completed, I’m certainly making progress, which is all I can really ask for.

I missed out on some holiday wishes while I was away, but I did manage to make some images for the occasions. So…Happy very late Easter and 4th of July! …Keep Reading?

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Saber Blog Update (2/26/22)

Saber Blog Update (2/26/22)

Hello Internet Family,

I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the current and tragic situation in Ukraine. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. While I do have many personal opinions regarding the matter, I’m not going to discuss them here. I just wanted to ask everyone to join me in prayer for the safety and protection of the innocent civilians and for God’s swift and divine intervention to resolve this situation with minimal loss of life. To the people in Ukraine, May God Be With You.

Moving on to a lighter note,

Denatured finally launched it’s fifth chapter and is on it’s way to getting some well needed plot and character development. Five chapters in and the story has yet to move past the first day. It’s all been a slow introduction to say the least. This is something I was discussing the other day on my Discord server. What is the correct way to pace a story? I like to think I’m finding some good middle ground that isn’t too slow or too fast. It’s a balancing act that is often times only discovered by trial and error. …Keep Reading?

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Saber Blog Update (12/24/21) Merry Christmas!!!

Saber Blog Update (12/24/21) Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Merry Christmas Everyone! I once again find myself up in the wee hours of the night writing today’s blog post. Hopefully Santa Paws doesn’t knock me out and drag me back to bed. I realize it’s been a couple of months since my last update, so we’ve got lots to catch up on. That’s a good thing, since it’s Christmas and you can consider this my gift.

It’s been an insane two years and unfortunately the insanity shows no signs of slowing down. I cannot believe how fast and slow this year went Keep reading.by. It’s one of those contradictions where it dragged on yet sped by at a million miles and hour. I want you all to remember just how blessed you are and enjoy your Holiday season. Be a gift unto the world, just as the wise men who brought their gifts unto the son of man. Be sure to shine your light. Sometimes the greatest gift is just lending an ear and being there for someone. …Keep Reading.

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Saber Blog Update (10/30/21) Happy Spoopy Day!

Saber Blog Update (10/30/21) Happy Spoopy Day!

Happy Spoopy Day! Otherwise known as Halloween.

I know, I know, if you are reading this on the day it posted, it’s technically the day before Halloween. No need to remind me, I’m well aware. It’s been a good while since my last update and I sure hope everyone has had a fantastic October. Please excuse me if there are any typos. I once again find myself up in the late hours of the night writing this on the fly.

Anyways, I Hope you enjoyed the pumpkin carving. Benny the deer from Walk With Me was chosen as this years design. In the past I’ve used some of my other characters such as Light (yours truly), Faye Fletcher, and even Bee. It’s something I try to do every fall. I get a little better at it each year, but I’ve still got some things I want to improve. …Keep reading.

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Tribute To Norm Macdonald

Tribute To Norm Macdonald

So I had mentioned earlier in an email that I was going to be doing this. I’m sorry it took so long to get out, but I just didn’t want to rush it. Most people may not know that I am a huge fan of Norm Macdonald. He was in my opinion, the funniest man in modern history. If you did not hear the news, Norm recently passed away on September 14th, 2021. He had cancer for over nine years and did not tell anyone, not even his own family. I have never once in my entire life cried about the death of a celebrity. Usually I just think it’s very sad and move on with my day. But this case was very different. Unfortunately the entire comedy world appears to be sharing the same consensus. …Keep reading

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Saber Blog Update (9/4/21)

Saber Blog Update (9/4/21)

Alas! Yonder in the distance! It be this weeks Saber Blog Update!

Oh boy, I am posting this a little later than I would have liked. A lot has happened in my personal life since my last blog update. I’m trying rework my schedule for comics, art and animation. Updates may be subject to change in the very near future. I recently left my job of four years for various reasons and am currently back on the job hunt. As of now, I have no idea how it will effect the update schedule moving forward. So bare with me, things might change soon.

Some people might be surprised to know that there even is an update schedule. I do apologize, I haven’t really been clear on that. As of right now, it’s a new Denatured page posting every other Monday, while …Keep Reading

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