Comic-Comic #157 (3/26/25)
/She’s such a drama queen.
She’s such a drama queen.
Let the stupid off commence!
It worked!
It’s the only way.
Merry Christmas!
Comic me and artist sona me have a mutual understanding.
Le Shocking!
And I’m back!
Good Lord, that is one ugly woman.
Apologies for this months delays. I’ve been preoccupied with animation. This was supposed to post last week. I’m also working on the next Denatured page. I should hopefully have it done soon. Everything is a little off schedule this month.
Thank you for your patience these past couple of months as I took the time to figure out what I was going to do moving forward. This was supposed to post on Wednesday, but I got distracted as usual and was unable to complete it when I wanted. Just a reminder. For the time being, all three comics will have a single update per month. Now it is always possible that it could change back to multiple updates in the future, but for now that is the set schedule that I’m rolling with. First Wednesday of the month is Comic-Comic. Second Monday is Denatured and third Sunday is Walk With Me.
Fancy snow fox.
Worlds greatest realtor.
Legend of the nameless sheep dog.
Take five.
And we’re back!
Merry Christmas!
I hope you all have a wonderful one. May God bless you in the year to come.
Nothing is ever simple and easy, I reckon.
Home of the webcomics Denatured, Comic-Comic and Walk With Me. Saber Collie Studios is an online cartoon art studio individually owned and operated by cartoonist and animator Light Lux Collie.
Light Lux Collie
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