Denatured Chapter 4, Page 21
/There you have it!
The end of chapter 4. Just in time for New Years!
There you have it!
The end of chapter 4. Just in time for New Years!
…What did you think she was referring to?
Tails take priority over gender swap.
Yes that’s you!
I’m trying to work on Yalzeemas design, but I’m not sure it’s where I want it to be yet. I don’t want her to look like a ghost, but more like a spirit who is filled with heavenly power and authority. She’s supposed to be a member of the heavenly host. I don’t know if I’ve captured that here, but I’ll keep tweaking her design as we move forward. Like I do with everything else.
Beats are good for you.
Custodian Powers Activate!!
Bad Dog! Don’t make me get the newspaper!
This is definitely not the best page in the world, but I think it turned out ok, considering I rushed the hell out of it.
That poor Pterodactyl.
But let’s be honest, she was tempting fate.
…It’s hot out for wolf people.
Mothers intuition.
I stayed up until 3 in the morning to make sure this got done for today. So I hope you all enjoy it.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I'm gonna go collapse now.
Better late than never!
So sorry for the delay this week.
Thank you for being patient!
I’m trying not to make it a habit.
Enjoy as always!
Light Lux Collie
It really has been three years.
She’s back!
Sorry, I kind of had to rush this one. I’m trying not to do that anymore.
He may have invented a new sport.
LOL, He’s such a d#$K.
Just for the record. He’s dribbling her like a basketball, not throwing her at the ground. Which in hindsight doesn’t sound much better.
Ok, so I finally managed to finish up this page. Again, so sorry for it being late.
Thank you to everyone who commented. I really appreciate your patience and understanding. it. Hope you enjoy this weeks page as always.
Light Lux Collie.
Don’t even ask me how I managed to get this page posted. I’ve had every possible internet and computer issue you can imagine. It’s been frustrating to say the least.
Home of the webcomics Denatured, Comic-Comic and Walk With Me. Saber Collie Studios is an online cartoon art studio individually owned and operated by cartoonist and animator Light Lux Collie.
Light Lux Collie
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