Walk With Me Chapter 4, Page 19
/…Nothing to worry about.
…Nothing to worry about.
I’m sure it’s nothing.
Frying Pan. Benny’s weapon of choice.
Past vs. Future.
Again, sorry this was a couple days late. Bit of a dialogue heavy page, but sets the stage.
Happy Easter!
Selfless Ferret.
Neuralink ain’t got nothing on this.
Psycho convention.
Sad below average deer noises.
Smart dook noodle.
You shouldn’t give him ideas.
Walk With Me is now officially back to its previous bi-weekly schedule. It will be updating every other Sunday like it used to. Denatured will also be back tomorrow.
Patreon and Subscribestar supporters have had early access to both comics for the past week. I've restructured some of the reward tiers. So there are new benefits, including rewards that grant you suggestion and voting power over weekly drawings and more. You can check out the whole list of benefits on my Patreon and Subscribestar and I hope you will consider joining.
I decided to release the two page of Walk With Me that had been up on my Patreon and Subscribestar for quite a while. As I had mentioned in my recent blog post. I’m on a comic hiatus until January, but when I do come back, I’ll be putting Walk With Me on a new consistent post schedule. Patrons will still get week early access to WWM, as well as Denatured. Which will be a new Patreon perk. So I wanted to get these pages posted before I started that new schedule. Consider it a Christmas present. Ho Ho Ho!
I decided to release the two page of Walk With Me that had been up on my Patreon and Subscribestar for quite a while. As I had mentioned in my recent blog post. I’m on a comic hiatus until January, but when I do come back, I’ll be putting Walk With Me on a new consistent post schedule. Patrons will still get week early access to WWM, as well as Denatured. Which will be a new Patreon perk. So I wanted to get these pages posted before I started that new schedule. Consider it a Christmas present. Ho Ho Ho!
Angy Dook Noodle.
Walk With Me is back! …Sorta.
I do apologize for the wait. It took me a while to figure out what I wanted to do with WWM.
So here’s the deal.
Originally my plan was to completely finish the 4th chapter before I ended up posting any of those pages to the public. Well, I’ve decided NOT to do that any more for various reasons, the main one being that it would just take too long. I am 2 pages ahead that are both currently available on my Patreon and Subscribestar. Patrons will always get early access to new WWM pages before the public does. So from now on as I complete each new page and post it to my Patreon and Subscribestar, I will also release one previous page to the public. As I said, these are still NOT on a consistent release schedule. So they will happen as they happen. My other two comics will however continue to release on their normal bi-weekly post schedules.
Thank you so much for your patience and I hope you enjoy!
Light Lux Collie
The cover page for the next chapter of Walk With Me.
I'm so happy to finally be back at it again, working on the next chapter of Walk With Me. After putting it on a brief hiatus, I've been trying to come up with a new work schedule for when and how I can make new pages and when to post them. It wasn't working out so well, so I've started a new thing were I am designating Monday nights as my night to work on new WWM pages. Streaming exclusively to Patreon and Subsribestar supporters.
If you didn't hear or weren't around at the time. Walk With Me is posting the pages for the current chapter to Patreon and Subscribestar supporters. Then once the current chapter is completed, each page will be posted to the public in rapid succession. If you would like to stay up date and get early access to each new WWM page as they are rleased, please consider becoming a supporter via Patreon or Subscribestar.
Home of the webcomics Denatured, Comic-Comic and Walk With Me. Saber Collie Studios is an online cartoon art studio individually owned and operated by cartoonist and animator Light Lux Collie.
Light Lux Collie
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