Saber Blog Update (7/30/21)

Hello Internet family!

I’m back once again with another blog update. This time only slightly late. My goal is to do at least one of these a month.

Now before I get into talking about art, I just wanted to bring up a couple of things. Fist off, I recently went and downloaded some new super duper software that is going to be a real game changer in my animation work flow. So expect some more animations soon. Yay!

The second thing is that if you follow me on tumblr or “Dumblr” as I like to call them, you might have noticed that they had terminated my account a few days ago. Don’t worry, it’s since been restored.

Now I know what you are thinking. What did I do to that caused them to feel the need to do that? The answer is a surprising ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! It should have never happened in the first place and that particular website put me in a very sour mood. Whether or not it was their algorithm that did it, the fact that they can just up and delete you from the platform at any time for any reason without warning or notice is just unrighteous. Now I could go on and on about my opinions on the matter, so I’m just going to shut my mouth and leave it at that. Keeping this incident in mind. This is just a friendly reminder that you can follow me on this website or any of the linked social platforms at the top and bottom of this page. If you are unsure if I’m on a platform, just search the usernames Light Lux Collie (lightluxcollie) or Saber Collie Studios (sabercolliestudios). If i’m not on there and you think I should be, send me a message and let me know. I’ll consider making an account.

So with that out of the way. On with the art!

I have three pieces to share with you today. “Hold on to your butts.”

The first image is a character from the online video game Dota 2. Her name is Hoodwink. I’ve drawn her here enjoying the glorious bounty that is acorns. This is easily one of the best designed characters I think I’ve ever come across. I commend the person that made her. By the way, has anyone here ever played Dota? Honestly, I had never even heard of this game until relatively recently. One of my friends has been getting me to play it. I am absolutely HORRIBLE, but I’m getting better. I like video games, although I’m usually very picky about which ones I love. Most of my time is spent either at work or maintaining Saber Collie Studios. So I rarely have the time to play.

Oh, and if you were wondering, the answer is yes. I did only download this game specifically to play as Hoodwink.

The second image is a meme that’s been going around the internet lately. They call it the shirt cut meme. If you’ve never heard of it or seen it, the general concept is to take your character or characters and draw them with various lewd shirt cuts to showcase different types of cleavage. Unfortunately for the perverted internet, my characters are not so easily adaptable to such things. Not without a whole bunch of chaos anyways. Maybe the internet will think twice before introducing me to new art memes. Muahahaha!

Finally, the third image is the return of my Annual Dragon. YAY! If you are new here and you haven’t seen it before, I have a yearly tradition I like to do. Back when I first started posting online, one of my earliest images was a random red eastern style dragon who I have since I dubbed The Annual Dragon. I redraw him once a year to gage my progress and improvement. I’ve done this for the past five years now. Time sure does fly, doesn’t it? So here he is once again. If you recall from the previous year, he found a puppy friend. That puppy now appears to have grown into a rather fearsome martial artist. Also, if you are wondering why it is the dragon now has tree antlers, take a good look at the previous two years. He’s been slowly growing small leaf buds on them. I’m not sure if anyone picked up on that, but if you did, good for you!

Here’s all the previous years images in order. I’m not gonna lie. He still looks like he should be a hot sauce mascot.

in the last blog post I talked about how this site now has a dedicated art gallery to showcase any art that you the fans have made. So here are a few Denatured fan pieces done by the amazing ArtingSweater over on Deviantart. Looks like poor Faye is drawing attention in all the wrong places. I guess that’s the price of being a cheerleader. Also, some Chance fan art for a change. With and without hat. Seeing he is a janitor, he probably would wear a hat like that. I will definitely need to draw him with one at some point. Thanks again to ArtingSweater.

Remember, if you have some fan art you would like to showcase on the site, let me know, and I’ll put it up.

Well darn, I dun gone and run out of things to talk about. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds. Until next time.


Light Lux Collie