Doing Some Writing

Doing Some Writing

For a while now I’ve had this urge to write, which I have not been able to shake. So I suppose I should probably take that as a sign that it’s time I did something about it. Contrary to my internet persona, (who is also the main character of Comic-Comic.) I like to think that the real me isn’t that stupid. Though I do feel that sometimes real me would give comic Light a run for his money.

So what’s this about? Why start writing now?

No particular reason why. It’s just that I often find myself with an overabundance of thoughts, ideas and opinions relating to the world at large. Unfortunately for me however, we currently live in an age where just sharing your thoughts online can get you into a whole heap of trouble. Now I’ll try my best not to do that, but that is why I don’t see myself posting these blog essays anywhere else but on my own website. Though if I do feel like one is appropriate subject matter, I’ll post a link to it somewhere else. …Keep Reading?

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